Synthesia Updates

Synthesia is SOC 2 Type I compliant 🔒

by Leander Sodji, Product Marketer
Yep, you read it in the title. Our systems and processes have been independently audited and certified as certified as SOC 2 Type I compliant. Check our new security portal for all things compliance, privacy and security. 🛡️✅
Update 🎉

New Music 🎵

by Leander Sodji, Product Marketer
We've just added 23 brand new soundtracks to replace the old ones 🎶 If you’d like to keep using music from the previous selection – don't worry! Just duplicate an old video that includes the song you want and you'll be all set. Happy

Improved closed captions

by Dan-Vlad Cobasneanu, Product Marketer
Automatic closed captions creation have been improved, ensuring a more accurate word detection. To learn more about closed captions check this help article.

Feeling hot?

by Dan-Vlad Cobasneanu, Product Marketer
Research shows that drinking water increases productivity, especially in the heat. 🥵 So we suggest you go and have a huuuge glass of ice-cold water – your video can wait. 😉
Reminder ❤️

3 new languages (+ updates on 27 existing)

by Dan-Vlad Cobasneanu, Product Marketer
See the complete list of new and updated languages and voices here. 3 new languages: Icelandic, Malayalam, and Punjabi. Updates on 27 existing languages with new or higher quality voices.

New avatar: Fazwa

by Dan-Vlad Cobasneanu, Product Marketer
Please welcome Fazwa, the newest member of the Synthesia Avatar family. 🧕🏼 Fazwa is now available on all corporate accounts, coming in two framings: from chest up and from waist up.

New avatar: Paige

by Dan-Vlad Cobasneanu, Product Marketer
Please welcome Paige, the newest member of the Synthesia Avatar family. 👩🏻‍🦰 Paige is now available for all enterprise accounts and comes in two framings.

11 new voices

by Damjan Dimic, Product Marketer
11 new high-quality English voices are now available on all plans. 🎉 Check the list of all new voices or watch the below video. 👇

Timing animations

by Damjan Dimic, Product Marketer
Timing animations just became easier. 🙌 You can now time animation elements to your text in seconds. For more details watch the below video or click here.