Synthesia Updates

Bulk color change

by Damjan Dimic, Product Marketer
You can now change the colour of multiple elements in your video with a single click. Here’s how to do it. 👇
New feature

Trash folder

by Damjan Dimic, Product Marketer
You can now restore deleted videos. Here’s how to do it. 👇
New feature

Icons and Lottie animations

by Damjan Dimic, Product Marketer
You can now use icons and Lottie animations in Synthesia STUDIO! 🙌 For more details visit our knowledge base or watch the video below 👇
New feature

Synthesia Avatars 2.0

by Dan-Vlad Cobasneanu, Product Marketer
The first version of the new generation of Synthesia avatars is now available in beta 🎉 The new features are now live for two avatars - Anna and Jonathan. For more details, watch the video below and check our knowledge base for a few
New feature

Screen Recorder

by Dan-Vlad Cobasneanu, Product Marketer
You can now record your screen in Synthesia STUDIO! Here’s how to do it. 👇
New feature

Replace voice

by Conrad Riparbelli
You can now replace a selected voice and accent on all slides. Here’s how to do it👇
New feature

Replace avatars on all slides

by Conrad Riparbelli
You can now replace avatars on all slides. Here’s how to do it👇
New feature

Download captions

by Conrad Riparbelli
You can now download captions in . srt format with a click of a button⚡️ Here’s how to do it👇
New feature

6 new learning templates

by Conrad Riparbelli
We've just added 6 new learning templates to make your training videos look super slick👨🏼‍🎨 Try them out in STUDIO or preview them on our website.