Synthesia Updates

Screen Recorder

by Dan-Vlad Cobasneanu, Product Marketer
You can now record your screen in Synthesia STUDIO! Here’s how to do it. 👇
New feature

Updated Shapes

by Dan-Vlad Cobasneanu, Product Marketer
We’ve updated our selection of shapes and added smart controls for additional editing capabilities👇🏻

Replace voice

by Conrad Riparbelli
You can now replace a selected voice and accent on all slides. Here’s how to do it👇
New feature

Replace avatars on all slides

by Conrad Riparbelli
You can now replace avatars on all slides. Here’s how to do it👇
New feature

Download captions

by Conrad Riparbelli
You can now download captions in . srt format with a click of a button⚡️ Here’s how to do it👇
New feature

6 new learning templates

by Conrad Riparbelli
We've just added 6 new learning templates to make your training videos look super slick👨🏼‍🎨 Try them out in STUDIO or preview them on our website.

130 new voices

by Conrad Riparbelli
130 new voices are now available🌏👉🏼 See recently added voices here👉🏼 See all languages here The list is getting long, so we added a search bar 👇🏻

Shutterstock assets

by Conrad Riparbelli
Over 10M high-quality image/video assets from Shutterstock are now available on all corporate accounts 🎨 P.S. When previewing assets, you’ll notice they have a watermark. It will automatically disappear when you generate the video.
Enterprise accounts

Closed Captions

by Conrad from Synthesia
You can now enable closed captions in your videos. Looks like magic, works like magic 🪄 Here's how to do it👇
New feature